Saturday, August 18, 2012

AJMA Launch: Evoke The Unimaginable

AJMA (the Ateneo Junior Marketing Association) made an event for their general assembly! They had a fashion show and different performances! This party was open to the public for an entrance fee of 250 if I'm not mistaken.

This was taken in GB before we went to the launch!
(Left to right: Fons, Steph, Louie, Nica, Gio)

(Left to right: Nica, Nathan, Steph)
Wasn't able to take an outfit photo that day.

(Left to right: Josh, Gio, Louie, Steph, Sugar, Julian, Jao, Fons)

Flaming shots! Killed all of us.. haha

(Left to right: Lorsy, Steph, Angel)

Got this photo from the AJMA buddy facebook page!
(Left to right: Yso, Edsy, Cel, Nica, Steph)

My fave photo of the night!!! Got this one from the AJMA buddy facebook page also!

The party was really fun and the crowd was unusually hyper! Looking forward to their next event!

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